woman with face mask looking at man

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  1. I somehow disagree with the entire concept of 8-10 pigeonholes where men, or for that matter, even women can be slotted. A wannabe John Gray? A broad categorization is fine as long as it remains just that – a BROAD categorization. However, IMO, the thin line of being judgmental is crossed once you start talking in absolutes.

    I’m sure one will find it absolutely difficult to find two persons, gender notwithstanding, who behave similarly in any given circumstance. The categorization I see hereabouts is based solely on a limited set of characteristics and a minuscule sample size. All this leads to one conclusion – the findings have a huge margin of error.

    If the categorization was intended solely for the purpose of humour, I’m sorry I fail to see any. Instead of humour, I see contempt for a group based on the actions of a negligible number of its constituents.
    .-= The Narcissist´s last blog ..Movie Review – Tropic Thunder =-.

  2. “And finally, I get something out of this. Seeing the vulnerable side of a man, much before it has been buried or strangled out of existence or mangled beyond recognition”

    why do I have a feeling that I absolutely disagree with this, vulnerability never goes down with age, believe me if he is single and older, the vulnerability grows and its definitely something which cannot be buried.
    .-= rambler1981´s last blog ..Super 8’s =-.