Mad Men: Don Draper & Pregnancy Scares
Don Draper’s personal history with sex and pregnancy scares, may reveal deeper layers to his marriage to Betty. #MadMen
Navigating Family, Friendship, Marriage, Colleagues, Companions & other social connections
Don Draper’s personal history with sex and pregnancy scares, may reveal deeper layers to his marriage to Betty. #MadMen
Pop culture helps me frame how people behave and who I become. I found some notable insights on bullying in Harry Potter & Mean Girls.
Peggy Olsen contends with her choices of relationships, desire & work in the fan favorite MAD MEN episode ‘The Suitcase’ through three men Mark, Duck & Don.
Feminist retellings of Greek mythos offers a different view of heroism. The Sparta-Troy war is rich with women navigating complex stories of their own.
When the world doesn’t make sense, a dream shows me the truth. I had one last night that brought me resolution from the pain of many decades.
She did what she thought was right. And so did she. So did I. So did they. It all still went wrong. Who can tell us why?
I’m turning 44. I survived trauma, 3 recessions, a pandemic. There are miracles, there is anarchy and amidst all that, there is sense.
I read a gifted book after the one who gifted it left my life. It helped me understand what went wrong. We were lost in translation.
How I learnt to value deaths as I learnt to value life. What lies next to the pain of loss & fear of the unknown when it comes to death?
Each time I perform this, men tell me, “You really understand how a guy feels.” I still feel wrecked by my custody battle.