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  1. I was married to a male slut. I didn’t know he was a slut until just before the divorce became final. He did not make a devoted husband at all. In fact he was the biggest asshole I have ever had the misfortune to meet. No doubt he treated his women very well, in fact any woman, except the one he was married to. The one woman who took care of him was the one woman to be on the receiving end of his greatest cruelty and insensitivity. Had I realized he was trying to seduce my “best friend” who was staying with me rather than developing a “friendship” I would have kicked them both out of my house long ago. Chalk it up to stupidty and trust. I hope he was unique but I know he’s not. He may be admired by many of you but I have totally lost all respect for him and his ilk. These male sluts have no respect for themselves or anyone else and their bravado is a cover for their extreme insecurity.

    1. @slowbutcatchingon: It was very courageous and honest of you to share your story here. I’m sorry to hear about your experience. Honestly, I can only claim to have seen one side of the Male Slut story – the public face, which is, no doubt very charming. It didn’t occur to me that the Male Slut is as insensitive and cruel in private as his more openly caddish counterparts. I think you hit the nail on the head with your last statement. It is a difficult and often not fair experience for the women who are the partners of such men. I do hope that you have come out of that very nasty relationship and have recovered from something that could not have been your fault.

  2. Wow… well done. Very good article. Made me take a long hard look at myself and some of my own habits. (Sorry, am I male-slutting as I write this?)

  3. * Lol.. I think I know you are talking about. The Male Slut Prof. And the Billy Bunter pic confirmed it.

    But all in all.. he did have Charisma…. and the way he held the class, nobody has till date.

    And just to present the other side of the story – it is just that he never had time to actually “teach”. But when he did, boy! was he terrific! I remember him taking 2 classes where he explained a few methods and the LOGIC behind it.
    Damn! that was the day all of us fell in love with his subject. He could have been super – if he wanted to be.