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Maturity Is An Age Thing

On one hand, it seems like adulthood is getting younger. Six-year-olds are taking computer lessons, twelve-year-olds own mobilephones and seventeen-year-olds are entrepreneurs. On the other hand, it feels like maturity is an endangered species. Oh sure, there’s the whole ‘maturity has nothing to do with age’ argument. I’ve used it…

Orange Sundays

An old post…one that I didn’t deem ‘good enough’ for publishing. But now I think the rawest, deepest expressions are probably the best. And anonymous or not, this blog has been about my personal expression. So here it it…the year that was. I’m glad to get it off my mind….

The Age Of Awakening

First Tooth – Frederick Morgan  I think human beings go through four stages in their beliefs about life and the world around them. Firstly there’s childhood (the golden era) when everything is an excuse for curiosity and a source of magical wonder…friendship, love, games, food, adulthood…*sigh* Then there’s adolescence, the…


A Happy Couple

8 a.m. on a weekday morning. Mumbai’s crankiest best. Sweepers shuffling dust into the air with a vengeance, cars spelling out “Eat my dust” in their fumes, people shuffling to work. I stood at the bus stop frowning into thin air, waiting for a bus that was always late on…