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  1. Very well said…can’t agree more for most of the points..
    Though, I do not disagree, I still feel that, with time sometimes u realize that it happened for better for all..
    And u r in peace with the fact…This peace; how n when it comes…don know..

    once again very well put…

  2. @ Dreamcatcher, shub: Thank you, lovely ladies.

    @ Cynic, Ms Taggart: Too later. I have reason to know she did.

    @ FullMoonOnEarth: And I hope she reads that bit too.

  3. “With time, other people’s opinions
    will start to matter Less than Your Own”
    Couldn’t agree more.

  4. I don’t know if time helps or hope diminishes, or anything changes, but what does change perhaps is the fact that you know that you’ve been through worse, and so this will pass. Soemday.
    This was a wonderful post, I can’t elucidate why it touched me or how, but it did.

    Dreamcatchers last idea: