Wake Up Sid motherhood

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  1. And dear friend, that explains why we have more or less liked it as an audience. Not too many have hated it, at least. We see our life mirrored up there. It’s all believable, right? And all in a very fun, light manner.

  2. >> I really think he should have learnt to do all this.
    well.. I think so too.. and i would say he just lazy exception (or certainly part of larger minority of men). most men do have method to the madness and are self-organized in their own way. trouble is we(men) don’t scale up to woman expectations and women don’t always have enough tolerance to that madness so prefer to re-do stuff and blame men for not giving enough credits for those work.

    so yes.. if only women can learn(/tolerate) men mad-self-organize-method and let them be as-is then you would save yourself lot of energy.both physical & emotional stress can be avoided.

    you might like these.. men v woman brains
    .-= Yuva´s last blog ..my Friend-Facts =-.

  3. Looks like Im both an exception and the rule in your post.

    When I read about how women pamper men, I went – aww, my mom did to her hubby and I do it now to mine.

    When i read about how the guy in the airplane handed everything over to you – I was like – aww, my friends help me out this way all the time …

    I guess, when I have someone to mother over me, I just let them have the fun of doing it, but otherwise – like in socially designed relationships (marriage) – I do it. *sigh* Life’s complicated, and this comment is now a mini-post.!

  4. When it comes to my best female friend, I’ve been guilty of being a mother to her, managing stuff for her and all. With my boyfriend, I’m the exact opposite.. from paperwork to movies to crossing the road, I leave it all to him, confident that he’ll handle it all. This, when he’s younger than me too.