The Motherhood Myth
The biggest propagators of male chauvinism are women. Yes, read that again. Why do a lot of men behave like they’re God’s gift to the world? Why do they live their lives in self-absorbed, unbelievably deluded over-confidence completely unrestrained by conscience or empathy for the opposite sex? Why indeed? Because they’ve grown up believing that they were crown princes destined to inherit the world.
Darling beta will forever remain the apple of his doting mama’s eyes, shielded from discipline by her, encouraged and ego-boosted to unbelievable proportions all his life. Bolstering a child’s ego is great but where do mamas get off, giving their boys a wholly unrealistic sense of self-worth?
Okay, hold on to that thought. Now here’s something I found…and it’s appaling. Motherhood has fallen off its sacred pedestal and lies in shattered fragments around our feet.
I just wanted to say thanks as a mother who blogs, posts like these keep me occupied while the kids are asleep!
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Oh, baby is waking up, I will read more next time!
yeah i was having a discussion with my friend on this topic and he pointed out tht the generation of boys who will have women like us as mothers wud be drastically different with their feet firmly planted on ground- touchwood to tht
Tell me about it….the Mamma, Beta and more Mamma syndrome.This one up here sums it up
we needn’t expend ourselves more