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  1. Wow, you have said everything so beautifully!!
    I mean, you are so correct in putting everything right there.
    I wonder it myself, that why is it, that if yesterday I was a career oriented woman, with my sights at the Everest, be ready to settle down, in a comfortable life with my life partner.
    Why is it that the moment we change our goals from being career driven women to the homely kinds, are we looked down upon?
    I certainly have a strong feeling that the female lawyers here, go through this a lot.. may be that is the reason why they are married to their work and not real men.. and even when they are they end up getting separated!

    It is unfortunately a hard world for us women.. because there are always the stereotypes that are bound to us which make sure that there is ONLY a one track image that is formed for our lives, whether or not we like it.

    Very APT!