T is for Truth or Dare
This is a story of one of my favorite games.
This is a story of one of my favorite games.
I tried a different genre and style today. Whoever you are, this story is not for someone else.
I wrote this in February when red, dancing and unexpected affections seemed all around.
Now here’s a story based on a little something that happened in real life. I once worked at an office where the printer was named for the employee who was seated closest to it. It created some mirthful situations. This however, is fiction. For today’s A to Z Challenge, I…
N is for noir fiction (my first attempt). And N is also for a Nice Guy.
I’m falling utterly behind. So I decided to post this already written story and catch up on the missing three later. Here’s another attempt at epistolary, this time in a more traditional, simple manner. Two letters I give you for today’s A to Z Challenge in the form of L…
A fortnight ago, a friend and I parted ways. He came to me, looking for comforting, for sympathy. I gave him instead, honesty. Words were exchanged and the friendship is now a thing of the past. The thing is, I never offered comfort or sympathy, only outright, unvarnished honesty. We’ve…
A Tall Tales take on one of the most popular Bollywood stories ever. You only need to know, Kitne Aadmi The?
I usually avoid religious references. But what are myths but great stories of power? I picked Happiness for today. And there was only one character to portray its essence.
All that noise and gunfire and the sound of grown men weeping? That’s just the sound of someone getting his just desserts.