Month: October 2007

  Running Late

Running Late

You know what it’s like to wake up in the morning to a blaring alarm and you wonder what sort of perversion in the human mind permitted the invention of such a torturous experience? Till you remember that you set the alarm. You know what it’s like to bounce out…

Mirror of Erised Harry Potter
Home & Identity | Map Of Emotion

Tell Me Your Dreams

When is the last time you wished for something? In fact, when was the last time you allowed yourself to want something? Without telling yourself that it was…impractical…unachievable…wrong…silly…unmentionable…impossible…too big to fit into your cupboard…too expensive…incompatible with your lifestyle What was it that you wanted so much but didn’t dare ask…

  The Window
Map Of Emotion

The Window

10 September 2004 When I was a child I’d stand at the window that the adults looked out of with so much ease. Sometimes an indulgent adult would pick me up to look out and then with an “ooof” put me back since I was ‘too old’ to be carried….