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  1. Lovely… .Andheri, Tamil roots etc it’s just flooding my mind now…thanks for this lovely post and rekindling my memories

  2. A guy who does not know his mother tongue(another Dravidian language)!.so that just made me an outcast in the community and everywhere else(luckily never visited many relatives so was insulated from their snooty attitude).Tootafoota hindi,even less marathi.just english at home.Never visited marol till i had to visit seepz.Andheri west and bandra were the only places i visited.Never had a problem about the place i stayed(maybe because i never knew many townies). Mithibai just attended the exams,and sat in the library often,science nerd(what a waste!)…
    I think thats why i am forever single. haha. no regrets.
    Anyways that is life ,got to make the best of it and i do it by helping people in any way i can. It make me feel good ,even if that is online .

  3. I discovered Marol a couple of years back and avoided commuting there, due to the crowd, the bus queue that I once saw ending on the station bridge at the top and later also being informed that there were separate queues for sitting in the bus and for standing. The auto queue was slow moving unlike the one at Bandra and direct autos never went where you wanted to go, if you were lucky to find one at all. The metro certainly seems to have made lives easier!

    1. @Anubha: The bus queues ending at the station bridge sound plausible enough. There are loads of buses going to Marol but there are also a LOT of people going there. This separate queues for sitting and standing is a new thing though. I never experienced it when I lived there from 1981-2000. Perhaps that’s happened as a result of even more crowding. And yes, the metro has made commuting easier and faster.

  4. Very well written, though I would have preferred, a wee bit shorter. Captured my attention and could identify with it. Best wishes.