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  1. I can’t believe ‘you’ of all persons is posing this question, but nevertheless here’s my point of view.
    Instead of a simple and straightforward ‘yes’, I would say, ‘Why can’t a guy and gal be friends?’
    My closest pal is a girl, and there have been times when the thought occured to each of us, why are we not goin’ steady, instead of being friends. But somehow, we just didn’t feel like getting into something like that.
    Reply to the third question: On the same lines as the first reply, ‘I don’t see any reason to make a differentiation between the sexes’
    Wasn’t there a joke, if women really got to know what goes in the man’s mind: ‘Got Beer?’

  2. yeeeeeah! you are back – without your posts i was replying completely on info given by my apt mate to stay updated abt you 😀

  3. judging by responses they solicit or dont, mebbe my perspectives do not count for much in this blogspace…not that it’s sticking my neck out again….
    no expert on these matters.but i do share “friendship” spaces with either sex…scope and nature of space shares can be different..for me, presence or absence of activities are not the “qualifier”…shared activities are a matter of mutual choices…
    to me,friendship is “acceptance” and unconditional space share…can live through difference of views on various matters…