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  1. awesome writing smithy. came your way accidentally while blog-surfing but will certainly be here for more 😀

    ps – always loved sushmita. she’s awesome. she and tabu belong in the same category character-wise though tabu is aeons ahead talent wise.

  2. shy
    tad lazy

    Damn, smithy, you oughta be writing a book on this.
    Totally right, down to the last anna!

  3. actually am really surprised at this post by you..thought this was kind of a female idea of a male fantasy, and I guess the taste varies across men 🙂

    People with strong personalities…Have you heard Lara Dutta speak?, I still remember the way she answered her set of questions during her miss universe pagent, even today, I guess she’s one of the best orators we have in bollywood.So why sush? 🙂

    I am not sure about most common male fantasy, I guess atleast I am atracted to vulnerability ,going by the on screen characters as you have mentioned I think it would have to be Kangana Ranaut

    MS..men’s basic instincts do not change??? hahah sorry could not top that 😀

    KK..no comments..too irritating to consider, she was really tolerable in her first movie

    BB? hmm yeah may not not so much of a stereotype, does know what she is talking about. Does not eat too much head in the media.

    I thought men go for unconventional beauties, more like Aisha Takia in Dor, Manisha Lamba in yahaan, Udita in Paap

  4. Hey, wonderful post and wonderful insight. I loved the way you’ve written and analyzed the whole issue (now I sound like an academic 🙂
    My vote has always gone to Sush (but then, I’m not a guy)

  5. Why is Rani Mukherjee looking so much like Lisa Ray?

    As for Kareena Kapoor, those long, pointed nails may be a clue 😉

    P.S. Different pinups for different moods, is our motto 😀

  6. Oooooh.. Her Sushness! 😀

    Reminds me of an incident that happened way back when one was a callow 18 year old. The year was ’96 and one had just left home to spend the most part of the next four years in the farmlands of TN. One fine day, over evening tea, one was asked to choose between Aishwarya Rai and Her Sushness. And hearing my choice of Ms.Rai (then), the poll was expanded (by the fourth year dada who was quizzing me) to include EVERY single first year bachcha in the hostel.

    Her Sushness ended up getting every vote barring two (one was me). My excuse is that I seriously believed the boob job stories and went uggghh! It is possible though that she did get so many votes for that same reason 😉

    However, 12 years since, Her Sushness has displaced whiny, giggly, Ms. Rai as my dreamgirl. She has aged gracefully, me thinks.

    P.S: You did pick the perfect picture too 😀