Author: IdeaSmith

Weird Weather Day

It rained this morning. In Mumbai it only rains between June and September. Deadening, depressing, gloomy rain. But today was a cloudy, cloudy day when I left home. Dark clouds blotting out the over-hot sun that turns a Mumbai morning from morning-sun-pleasant to god-its-hot HOT. Dark clouds are supposed to…

high angle photo of people

In A Crowd

A strict date is not in a raging crowd. Isn’t it?A crowd is just a lot of peopleA lot of conversationsA lot of smiles and thoughts flying aboutWhile you dodge the verbal volleysAnd dive to catch that elusive referenceAnd dance around in social rituals In the corner of your mindWhere…


The Oldest Stereotype In The World

Cross-posted on IFSHA here. ~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~ What is the oldest stereotype in the world?The one every single human being on the planet is subjected to. Across countries, continents, cultures, religions and races. Its the first meaningful proclamation made to world about our existance. “Congratulations, you have a son!”or“Its a girl!” I’ll…