Ain’t Nobody Like A Desi Boy
This Telegraph article made me laugh. I quote:
“You have beautiful eyes” was by far the most used compliment, picked by almost a quarter of all men, but only the third most successful.
The least used line was “You have beautiful ears”, which was also the second least effective line … except in the Netherlands and Portugal, where it proved the most popular.
I also winced through every item in this list on The Frisky of the worst pick-up lines ever. Then I got to thinking about the notion of pick-up lines. Is it an entirely Western concept? But no….our desi boys have their own version of it and it’s the only one they have! Guess what it is?

Oh. This is brilliant. Mamma’s boys ftw! 😛
@bustlingwoods: Desi boys… 😀
😀 Yus yus!