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  1. @ Brad: Actually nothing went as I wanted but it was a great year nevertheless. What do you know? I think I know what I want but life has grander plans for me!

  2. A year has gone by…since this post. Did everything go as you wished to?

    **I am just browsing through your posts**

  3. I’ve know ideasmith aged 21, 24 and 26… I liked her at 21. I loved her at 24. I really respect the 26-year old. can’t wait to see te 28-year-old! I bet you’ll be my baby’s favourite aunt.

  4. Amazing! Menagerie at 26, agrees with Ideasmith at 26 completely.

    Couldn’t have put it better myself.

  5. Love u.
    Loved all the posts in this blog. U seem to have written, alomst,exactly what runs through my mind. So couldn’t think of saying anything but ‘I Love You’.

  6. Great post. Think I’ll write a letter to santa, finally. Had this feeling he’d not read non-christian lists. 😉