Year: 2007



So you’ve been held in passionate embracesBut never captivated by someone’s glanceYou’ve made love,But have you ever lost your sense of self, becoming one with another?So you have never been sullied by someone’s touch. You bear the unmarkedness of sweet innocenceVirginal in your soulNot burdened by other people’s attentionsCrystal clear and…



So you’re feeling blueon a day that I’m wearing blue and feeling good about it You call me to tell me that it reminds you of Anil KapoorAnd I know you’re thinking of my wailing Why’s everything so blue??? at a movie we saw onceYou liked the idea but it…

Weird Weather Day

It rained this morning. In Mumbai it only rains between June and September. Deadening, depressing, gloomy rain. But today was a cloudy, cloudy day when I left home. Dark clouds blotting out the over-hot sun that turns a Mumbai morning from morning-sun-pleasant to god-its-hot HOT. Dark clouds are supposed to…