You Hate Women
It’s not new that women are routinely harassed online and subjected to abuse, condescension and objectification. For one, I don’t think the ‘It’s the internet. Not all men are like this.’ attitude is permissible.
Now, Secret. I am horrified at the levels of malice, misogyny and hate messages directed at women on this. This includes posters, commenters and known women who aren’t necessarily on the thread. You know why this horrifies me so much? Because these attitudes reside in the heads of people I know – classmates, friends, lovers, colleagues.
I walk among would-be rapists, murders and Nirbhaya-attackers. I’m talking about you.

Update 2023: Secret was a mobile app that allowed users to network anonymously by sharing ‘secrets’ that would be visible only to people on their contact lists but without their identifying details. It became a craze very soon. But was shut down by its founders who said that it was being used for purposes other than they envisions. I’m glad sense and humanity prevailed in the otherwise death-trap world of tech startups. Their legacy is chronicled here.
Languages across the world men give galies (cuss words) like MC, BC it becomes deep rooted and ingrained and that’s one of the reason for increase in attacks on women, unfortunately even women have learnt to give these same galies to others.