
  Chutney Aloo Sabzi
City | Pop Culture

Chutney Aloo Sabzi

Mum’s out of town again, which means that the kitchen is my free ground. I feel a little more confident this year than last year, since I’ve been experimenting with cooking. The kitchen doesn’t seem like scary, alien territory anymore. I’m actually cooking andaaze se instead of following the instructions…

  ‘The Chef’s @’: Article In Oct 2010 JetLite Flight Magazine
Body & Sex | Digital World | Pop Culture | Relationships | WorkSpace

‘The Chef’s @’: Article In Oct 2010 JetLite Flight Magazine

October opens with promise, delectable aromas and lots of windows open on my computer. What am I on? My article titled ‘The Chef’s @’ appears in JetLite’s’ in-flight magazine through this month. It is a go-to primer for the culinary-challenged (like me) who nevertheless have appetites and luckily for them,…

  Juhu Beach

Juhu Beach

Last evening I was overcome by an urge to eat chana masala, the buttery over-spicy type, all covered with raw mango chunks and unidentified (but delicious) stuff on top. The Juhu beach variety. And while at it, bring on a naariyalpaani as well. Why not I asked myself (and oh…


A Cube of Ecstacy

Her fingers paused on the edge of the key-stroke. The ceasing of the rapidfire tap-clackety-clack-tap of her keyboard sounded very loud and she glanced up guiltily to see who had noticed. No one had, apparantly, so she breathed in a slow rush of air, settling that odd fear to rest…