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  1. Sweet. Sweetness. Such a swift little thing isn’t it. Too honest. Too good to be present in the tiniest perception of everything. From yumminess to cloyingness, we stretch it out to fit every bit of senses around. And we hurriedly swirl it up like sausage with no hesitation. It is searched out all around, just as they seek a breath in losing life, or squeeze last drops from a lemon. The sweetness of a child’s drooling lips; of the first tinge of taste you feel as you mouth in a candy; of mama’s hand sensed in her sweets; of some slick dreams in the starry nights; in the simplicity of ‘her’ esthetic looks; of just being a lot less bitter…Yet it’s only a conny little thing, so innocent.

    Your ‘Cube of Ecstacy’ brought the above thoughts in me.
    Thank You.

    +Keep The Faith.

    A’s last blog post..Of Thousands Unwritten Images…