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  1. @ Nova: That’s true. But I’m only human and as a confirmed ‘Not nice girl’, I despise ‘Nice girls’ on principle.

    @ DewdropDream: I agree. Except in this post, I’m referring specifically to those people who use ‘niceness’ (notice the quotes) as a weapon.

    @ Cynic: Oh please don’t lose that part of you…it’s the best!! And as for the rest, that’s a really difficult line to draw, no?

    @ Manish: Not everyone can handle the truth. But like Cynic points out, there is a fine line between honesty and rudeness. No one likes a rude person either.

    @ Sense: Don’t I? It was written for me! 😉

    @ Phoenix: I usually say, “So sue me!” or more recently, “Deal with it.”

    @ ‘nonnymous: I don’t smoke either and there’s plenty I don’t do simply because I don’t believe in it. But I don’t use these habits (or the lack of them) as self-promotion for what a nice person I am. I speak my mind on what I stand for. And there are also enough of people who like my company. None of these have anything to do with the kind of ‘niceness’ I’m talking about. I’m just me and I think that’s the best any individual can be. It’s the other kind that I can’t stand.

    @ La Vida Loca: Amen to that!

  2. You talk about girls, I know several girls as well as guys, who are very nice without being fake. But at the same time they’re not stubborn hot-headed rebels.
    Just because some girls don’t smoke, or drink, are virgins, and like to behave… well.. nicely does not make them targets for unjustified judgements.
    Some women ARE goondas. as long as its not some kind of a insecure shield against being tagged a woman per-say, goonda is fine, just another kind of personality. And just like there can be no judgements there, there need be no judgements about women being nice. But then again, some women are also obsessed about not being nice just because they dont like being restricted to being women…. which one are you??

  3. Why be nice always when thats not what you feel inside? Be true to yourself is the toughest thing to do when there are so many politically correct reasons to do so otherwise. While its super thrilling to beat someone at politeness etc, i prefer a good yell and well sometimes a few choice words especially when i feel the other person sure as hell deserves to be beaten up or something.Rude is one thing and saying whats on your mind because you aren’t some “yes ma’am” bimbette is something totally different.Nice don’t always work for me. And if they don’t like you for it, well you could just turn around and say ” Bite Me”

  4. Hey,

    Not trying to be nice, but i do agree with the your view. I am a firm believer in the concept of Show-what-you-feel, but everyone around me tries to tell me that i am rude and i should adapt this phoney NICE attitude. A classic example is: Your boss cracks a awful joke, and you feel like showing it to his/her face, but you can’t, because you have to professionally NICE. Same goes with your elders, specially IN-LAWS.

    Recently i read the below text on one of my fav blogs:
    He is one hell of a movie buff and amazing source of knowledge.


    Nah, hell’s practice. Heaven is what they lure you with so that you grow up into being good at impersonating the next guy.
    Hell’s hate. Hate is strong. At least God has you in his sights. Good is drudgery and everybody around you is swarming in it trying to catch God’s attention. And they’re drowning one inch at a time.
    Hell’s got no competition.
    Hell’s cool. Evil’s cool.
    Hell is backyard.

    Congratulations, you’re this far from hitting rock bottom.
    Call it nihilism. Call it anarchy. Call it self destruction. Call it chaos. Call it Fight Club.
    But still you’re falling. Let gravity work its course. Let go.

    And then, when you’re finally the bottommost layer of crap, when you’re the base of the garbage can, when you’re the disgust of evil, when you’re so rotten that hell dreads you, when you are feces and stink so bad a dung beetle wouldn’t want to lay its eggs on you, you’re the Joker.

  5. Hmmmm. Once, in a fit of pique, I told one friend that I was contemplating being nice. He said something very profound “Dont, you will lose 3/4th of your personality”

    But there is a fine line between being nice and being fake. As is between being truthful and being hurtful.

  6. You didn’t include ‘Nice girls don’t have sex wantonly because they like it. They wait till the night of their wedding to lose their virginity and spend their lives possibly being sexually frustrated because nice girls do not demand sexual satisfaction.’

    Sometimes nice is just what some people are, genuinely. They’re eually capable of dealing with things in a direct manner, they just might choose to not. Niceity is based in the same three things that speech is in, I think.

    What is said/done
    The manner in which it is said/done
    The time chosen to say/do it

  7. Hmmmm… Interesting… I really dont know what to say!! Just that if being not-nice is not an evil, so isnt being “nice” 🙂

    Each to its own 🙂