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  1. Well written. I haven’t seen this, but this commentary would definitely make me rethink watching it. It’s good to see when other feminists can and will point out when something crosses from being feminist to being male-hating. Shared on Facebook and Twitter 🙂

  2. Nice presentation … as usual .. I agree with you that women power is getting undue attention by the women. They don’t understand that crying hoarse on this issue will isolate them completely from men …

    1. Hi mikerana, this post was not to pacify any meninists, men’s rights activists or any other groups of misogynists. I believe in sex-positive, gender-equal feminism and that means according men the right to be treated as human beings just as much as men. Please don’t turn this into a ‘Serves feminists right’ thing because I still stand by my feminist ideology. Thank you for commenting.

    2. How long it will be required to update the women empowerment and rights. I feel these should be automatic given by the nature. No one needs to promote it, whatd’you say

    3. I disagree. If the world was truly equal in nature, there wouldn’t be rape, violence against women, child abuse, dowry deaths, honour killings and the law would recognize and punish offenders adequately to curb them all. The fact that all these evils exist even today means there is a long, long way to go before we can afford to get fed up of talking about and listening to women’s right to equality.

      Like I said earlier, my post does not nullify that. I am an active stand for equality of the genders. I don’t think Lipstick Under My Burkha did a fair job of that though.

    4. That is what i am asking … how long will it take ? Centuries have passed and things are deteriorating to say the least

    5. @mikerana I wish I had an answer to that. I wish this did not even need to be a question. All one can do is keep the conversation going till there comes a time when it’s not needed anymore.

    6. @mikerna Who do you think you are? I suggest you go back to the start of your conversation. Or back into your crumbling ivory tower passing judgments on a world that doesn’t care.

    7. @mikerna You come to my blog, twist my words into some kind of misogynist BS and then talk down to me. I’m marking any future comments from you as spam. Goodbye.