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  1. @Ms Taggart: Thank you. And oh, THANK YOU! 😀

    @Sudeep: :-p If I go live in a jungle, there won’t be any more blogging or tweeting! Are you that tired of my writing, already?

    @Shaz S: Hey girl, are you in Delhi?

    @SwB: Hardly. The story wasn’t so much about blogging as about people who spend too much time online. But yes, most of my online time is spent on blogging activities. Much much thanks for the budday wishes! 🙂

  2. You’ve turned into something of a blogging celebrity, haven’t you? 🙂

    Belated birthday wishes R. Wishing you everything your heart desires.

    Much love,

  3. I very well thought that was you when I read the article. I agree with what you said about net-addiction and cant wait for your book to come out. TC.