blue colour sea under blue sky - Greece Mykonos

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  1. @ Cynic: Thengyu, it was a lovely experience too.

    @ FullMoonOnEarth: Not at all. The only thing is that I went with a huge group and someone else took care of all the arrangements. We can connect on this on email if you like.

    @ Malla R.: 🙂 And we (the Mumbaikers) are waiting for your promised January trip.

    @ Pragni: I guess so. It was an interesting (to put it mildly) set of experiences.

  2. 🙂 color… It has always been a topic of much discussion and perspective..

    Some people love the “exotic color” we have, and in saying that make it a different kind of racism altogether. But one thing’s for sure, we sure do learn a lot from all and any of this!

    Pragnis last idea:

  3. finally we got some thing in print after all this time– better late than never. Seriously–good to read the stuff on the cruise; waiting to hear more from the trip.
    say hello to your parents and friends ( the resilient Mumbaikers).

  4. Hey!! I’ve been wanting to go on a Europe tour for a li’l while now. Mind sharing details and suggestions? Or at least give pointers?