Home & Identity

Finding home & a sense of belonging within shifting identity politics of geography, region, language, politics, ideologies and culture.

  Tell Me Your Dreams
Home & Identity | Map Of Emotion

Tell Me Your Dreams

Visits: 0When is the last time you wished for something? In fact, when was the last time you allowed yourself to want something? Without telling yourself that it was…impractical…unachievable…wrong…silly…unmentionable…impossible…too big to fit into your cupboard…too expensive…incompatible with your lifestyle What was it that you wanted so much but didn’t dare…

  Office Capers: Set me free….
Home & Identity | Humour | Politics & Feminism | Pop Culture | WorkSpace

Office Capers: Set me free….

Visits: 0Independence day celebration in office. Everyone asked to wear the tricolours in their apparel. And the office is full of excited, squealing kids running around all over the place. Oh, alright, fresh-out-of-college, barely out of their teens newbies who’re all gung-ho about the fact that office-goers have ‘fun’ too….