Map Of Emotion

Navigating complex emotions of jealousy, ambition, insecurity, joy, fear, peace, anger, happiness, betrayal, contentment, disappointment, love.

  The answer to “What happened?” and other such unanswerable questions
Map Of Emotion | Relationships

The answer to “What happened?” and other such unanswerable questions

It struck me last night, when I was sitting on the floor of a slight friend’s house, talking to another friend when she asked me, “So how are you doing?“ Then she looked at me straight in the eye and pointed to her own heart. I stared back, a fraction…

Map Of Emotion


Because I’m in a rare confessional mood and it’s past midnight and I can’t think of anything great to say or I’ve said so much of it in my earlier posts today and I’m saving it up for the week. Or because I’ve just read Thought Catalog and a healthy…