Being Okay Again
It seemed like the world was coming to an end and in a way, it was. Life as I knew it, was over, whether I liked it or not. I spent the next few days in utter despondency with a literal dark cloud over my head. Monsoon had just begun. It looks like we’ve seen the last of the rains for this year. Well, there might be a shower this weekend (mum says it always rains on the final visarjan day) but mostly I think we’ve ridden out the heaviest of the monsoon. Going back to the metaphor, I think I’m in that place too. I’m mostly okay.
I haven’t forgiven or for that matter, forgotten. But it’s not the number one thing in my head, the one idea I wake up with or fall asleep to. I’m okay that it happened, in fact getting to be happy even, that it happened. But I’m not yet okay with how. And I think that’s okay. I heal on my own time. I let go in my own time too.
Mostly, I decided I had just been down this road way too many times. I decided to pick happiness over drama this time and funnily enough, it actually was enough. New things are always exciting since they force you to look at the world through a fresh pair of eyes.

I have a new job, a new routine, a new circle of people and thus, a new identity. It’s all good. I’ve even crushed a few times and enjoyed them without making too much of them (inside my own head, most importantly). I’ve been healing. I’ve been known to laugh in that crazy, undignified way I used to before it all went south. And if I’ve found my laughter again, happiness and everything good that life has to offer, can’t be far away, can it?
I think the best thing that has come out of this very bad, very painful, very humiliating, very hurtful experience has been my questioning whether it’s really what I want. The whole husband-soulmate-happily-married thing, I wonder if that’s really what I wanted or whether I was just being blindsided by the world telling me that it’s what I should want. Yes, really, after all this while I still wonder whether that’s been my driving force all my adult life – a misguided notion that wasn’t even mine in the first place.
I know I enjoy the excitement, vibrancy, and an abundance of experiences and conversations. I love attention and I love people. I enjoy the challenge of doing something different, something offbeat and I also enjoy the newness of it rather than be daunted by it. I’m doing all of these right now and it feels like my life is a lot closer to complete than it ever was when I was in that relationship. I’m constantly entertained, challenged and thus, happy. When I was a girlfriend/fiance, I think I was terribly bored for the most part. Boredom is my kryptonite, it is.
I’m not saying I’m swearing off men and relationships forever. But they’re just not so important to me any more. It sounds cliched to say I really want to focus on my career and that’s not quite it. I think I’m just going to focus on what makes me happy. A man may or may not be part of that. And I’m really okay with that.
Hey, Just happened to read all your recent Relationship Posts. I felt compelled to send you a message- because I am literally going through the same thing, an engagement that broke up 4-5 months ago, after a very happy 2 year relationship with its usual ups and downs. I can somehow relate to a lot that you say- the okay and not okay with it- and mostly the attempt to move on, build a new life, and a new identity.
In my time immediately post the break up, I found there were several around the web who couldn’t deal with just as well (and well of course is relative) but what I want to say is no you’re not alone.
I wish we could all find out why, and mostly why at all- why did it have to come to an engagement if it wasn’t meant to be, but I’m glad we’re writing about it so someone somewhere knows they are not alone.
Because the aftermath of a very exciting moment gone wrong very soon after is devastating. There’s no other word for that.
Take care.