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  1. sigh good ol kerala…me home state… say wats the mallu connection with ze smithy??? gorgeous paintin btw…

  2. Hey, I am becoming an ideasmithy-addict..lol.. anywayz there was this reference to a dialogue..or shud i say monologue in castaway.. and though I must have watched it a coupla times.. I missed it completely.. mebbe bcos i just love helen hunt..
    but I agree its profound in a way… nothing complex.. only simple things can be…

  3. Was wondering how do you manage blogs at this scale… I have not been able to keep one in shape…
    and about being brutal… written words have a impact different from verbal ones.. in the sense that they can be read again…
    And I believe the apology was proper and should have been accepted…

  4. Now thats a bit brutal…
    on second thoughts… “hope you remain standing” was not that bad… 😉
    Anywayz I apologized… what else can be done…

  5. sorry… but that was not as it sounds like… it just isn’t…
    my first attempt with plagiarism… and i get caught with my pants down…
    that does not sound cool..
    sorry again

  6. painting provides a high that is not oft found in anything else… it may be the utter focus that painting elicits – the immersion of the brain and soul into the confines of a few lines, without any heed to the world around. whatever it is, it is a superior feeling.

    could not help but notice the coincidence: the previous two fellers that have left their comments and littlecow used to live next door to each other and now, we leave 3 comments one after the other sitting in three time zones and a thousand miles apart… it could either point to a cosmic miracle or to the utter joblessness of 3 people. 🙂

  7. lovely painting. makes sense that you do the stuff you like 🙂 cause you are good at it..