I want a new fairytale
Fairytales are great
I want a new fairytale
For every single day
Write me a book of fairytales
That build a universe
with bricks of paper,
Where love doesn’t feel like a curse
Roads of words where hope doesn’t turn into vapour
Bring me a fairytale I haven’t heard before
Replenish the wonder I lose, with better lore
A fairytale once told me
That luck runs out at midnight
Now how do I make that work
In this 24×7 life?
When Superwoman runs, monsters falter
But the hours & minutes run out of stock
Give me a fairytale of a time traveller
Winning a battle over the damn alarm clock
I am hungry for a new fairytale
One I can seek my teeth into
Where an apple is not the worst thing
That can happen to you
And you get paid overtime
For cleaning up after seven men
And his shoe fetishes are all fine
But your fantasies also get to happen
I want a fairytale hero that I don’t wait for
Till he arrives bloodied and sweaty
I want a fairytale hero that I can be
Lipstick on fleek, words on point,
Picking up accolades as well as a trophy husband
A tale of valour where the girl rescues the boy. Or two.
Or a thousand. Not a girl, because girls don’t need rescuing.
I want a fairytale that feels safe
Not necrophilia passed off as romance
And a guy doesn’t stalk you after just one dance
Where kissing a sleeping girl will get one arrested
A fairytale should be a dream
Make it one I want to dream
I’d like to live in a fairytale
Where men show their love in words
And carry flowers, not swords
A fairytale where Prince Charming woos Beast
And Beast writes poetry
While Beauty runs the country
Give me a fairytale that doesn’t start with
Once upon a time
But rolls on this time, every time
I know love doesn’t conquer all
Because it isn’t about conquest
Or who takes the fall
But living with glory and joy
Like we live in a fairytale
Oh, write me a new fairytale.