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  1. Its a thin line.
    But it depends upon both the person’s character. The person who trusts and the person whom one trusts.
    If you have gauged him/her properly then things work out fine.
    I think I have made it as confusing as possible. 😉
    But its always better to trust than being possesive/obsessive and doubtful. (that trait eats into you 24/7)

  2. trust, not just with one but two people important to you, friendship, respect, monogamy, exclusiveness, possessiveness, so many emotions involved.

  3. Trust is never dependent only on one… it is a function of the relationship – so while self-blame comes easily to us when the other cheats/breaks the trust, one should be able to later see it from a perspective of the context.

    I know I am intellectualizing a somewhat emotional aspect of relationship – but the left hemisphere should be balanced by the right 🙂
    .-= Gautam Ghosh´s last blog ..Building Open Organizations =-.

  4. Hi! Your post says a lot of things about Trust in Relationships that I wanted to say for a while :))

    Every time I trust someone and that trust is broken, I wonder if I am a bad judge of character and trust the wrong people or is it something else?? But as you rightly put it, its just the price of looking for a relationship. :))