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  1. I was wondering whether all this happens in the real world or just exists in a fancy world???!!!….i mean the ex’s ex-es……How can one forget a relation or their love for a person so easily and jump onto another relation with someone else??!!!
    I did like a girl very much, but she never felt the same thing towards me………days have passed by, but I am just single and feel happy for her, for she is all set to settle down in life. Ofcourse things can change but i guess no one can take her place in my life!…………
    This web of ex ex-es does surprise!!!
    I am not pitching anything against you, I have always been your great fan.
    Its just an observation from my perspective.

  2. @ Gaurav: 🙂 I believe you know my thoughts on these already.

    @ Dreamcatcher: She probably has a point but she doesn’t always follow it. Well, neither do I. As for pettiness, I believe in an eye for an eye….and some people don’t understand till you speak to them in their own tongue.

  3. @ Gaurav: 🙂 I believe you know my thoughts on these already.

    @ Dreamcatcher: She probably has a point but she doesn’t always follow it. Well, neither do I. As for pettiness, I believe in an eye for an eye

  4. The ex – files should never be opened, i think it was Reshma who once said that to me. However, once in a while its good to look at them, sigh over the omg-how-could-i-have-such-bad-taste and do the what was i thinking routine.
    Sometimes its good to tell yourself, i’ve come a long way baby.
    I am meeting an old old crush soon. And my instant reaction was oohhh i have to be prepared so i can knock him off his feet so he realises what he’s been missing.
    yes, i agree with you, being a catty ex is a high sometimes. Even if its a tad petty.

  5. “…and it certainly wasn’t YOU!!!” I thought the ‘subject’ was the girl sayin’ this, so I assumed that the rest of the above also had the same subject- the girl; hence the usage of ‘she’ in the hickey sentence confused me as to why was she referring to herself in the 3rd person! Oh well. Chuck it!