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  1. ROTFL!Don’t worry . . .if he does he will be busy driving out the north Indians, especially the biharis, so I don’t think he will notice 😛

  2. @ Cynic: Life as always, Mumbai on the run.

    @ dinu, Nirav: Politicians, politicians. Like R.K.Laxman’s Common Man, we stay mute spectators.

    @ Pragni: Because here fear moves people, not common sense.

    @ Anon Y.Mouse: Fair enough, I was recounting my observations only. I did hear that there was trouble in some parts of the city and I’m sorry that they happened to your friends.

    @ govind: And here’s to the end of the blog. Unfortunately I don’t own a Marathi keyboard.

  3. Raj thackeray is one totally crazy dude!Then again knowing our ‘enlightened’ voters, he just mite come into power!lol

    govinds last blog post..GOD SAVE THE MALLU

  4. I know of two people who had eventful commutes to work – one in the heart of the city, and another in a far-flung (for you, at any rate!) north-eastern suburb. They made it to work, too, but with burning buses and autos that were attacked while they looked on.

    The media does blow things out of proportion, yes – but I wonder what happened to that rickshaw-driver, and what happens to him if he was the vehicle’s owner.

  5. your blog deleted my first attempt at the comment 🙁

    “Lol. No BS about resilience and courage and all that.. It all boils down to practicality and need.
    *That* commute took you just 20 minutes? Seriously? now that’s a feat unheard of..

    What I am wondering about is, if Mumbai can become a civilized metropolitan city at times like these, because of a simple statement issued which asked people to avoid using private cars today, why not do it more often and make it a habit. If not for a healthy environment then just for the simple reason that it makes for a more easy and comfortable existence.

    But I guess its too much to ask for..

    Pragnis last blog post..A quick unfinished story