Why Mona Lisa Smiled
Who is the Mona Lisa talking to?
Who is the Mona Lisa talking to?
When I was a kid, I remember a huge tin drum standing right next to our kitchen sink. It was taller than I was and was used to store water. Water, precious water, worth everything in summer. Do I exaggerate? I was around 5 or 6 then. Old enough to…
An old post…one that I didn’t deem ‘good enough’ for publishing. But now I think the rawest, deepest expressions are probably the best. And anonymous or not, this blog has been about my personal expression. So here it it…the year that was. I’m glad to get it off my mind….
It’s hard to supress that innate sense of superiority in pulling out a book and placing it in the ‘right’ stack along with others in the genre. So pop fiction to the sides, classics in the middle, bestsellers on top. Then realisation strikes that the dynamics of cataloguing work differently in a street-stall.
How do you truly forgive when you cannot forget?
I had an interesting set of gifts on my twenty-first birthday.
I saw a tag floating around and decided to write my own memoirs in 6 words: I strove for individuality, then acceptance.
She may have watched Gone with the Wind too many times since she only dresses in black and white. A reflection of the way she thinks. And she supposes that a penchant for red lipstick makes her friend, a close affiliate to Bozo the clown. Bozo reasons that someone who reads Kundera and Murakami,…
Her fingers paused on the edge of the key-stroke. The ceasing of the rapidfire tap-clackety-clack-tap of her keyboard sounded very loud and she glanced up guiltily to see who had noticed. No one had, apparantly, so she breathed in a slow rush of air, settling that odd fear to rest…
On February 18, a fifteen-year-old British tourist called Scarlette Keeling was found dead on Anjuna Beach, Goa. Death by drowning was the initial statement by the police.