Musical notes png sticker, transparent

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  1. @Shweta: I’m glad you finally broke the silence! 😀 I’ve commented on your post. How about a follow-up post talking about which of the recommendations you liked and why?

  2. Been reading your blog for a few months now, but this would be my first comment…
    There are a few times, when someone else can put your exact thoughts into words. And your feeling towards music would be how I exactly feel about it…
    What you write in this paragraph Music has never been … , If I tell you I totally understand, for once someone wouldn’t be saying that just for the sake of saying so 🙂

    Here is a link to one of my posts, though a different kind of post, but in a way reflects the same emotions..

    Thanks for this post!

  3. “I think somewhere it scared me out of the spotlight, the idea that being out there could bring out the worst kind of predators to hunt me down. I never really pursued the stage again.”

    And what if you were to be told that your smile, the way you laugh and carry yourself is that which attracts predators? I understand this bit so well… I’ve felt so many times that for the sake of self-protection, maybe I should rework my personality. But even the most private moments that I feel one with life, seem to attract attention… Well, anyway, I guess I’ll learn, to strike a balance somehow.

    Once again a touching post. 🙂

  4. wow! you link to music. Even though I consider myself a music buff, I’ve never had songs remind me of people and events.
    .-= roy´s last blog ..Age =-.