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  1. • Yes, it helps to be next to the sea. Some days it is my only saving grace

    I went to beach for the first time last week, and when days are down I want to go sit there. I hope I will able to live in Kochi/ Trivandrum

    • Maybe that is how I learn to shape words, to fashion my realities into bigger things than what was thrown at me. Isn't that the soul purpose of a writer, a poet?

    • Coded letters to myself

    This one is pretty cool

    • But each night I used the scrap of energy that the virus spared me to spin a yarn about the day

    • I felt my worries lift

    • I learnt how much I could endure

    • I guess endings signify the beginnings of new challenges for me

    • It felt like trying to fall asleep in water, water made murky with bloodied pieces of me and old bits of trauma

    I wasn't able to get out of bed for 3 day because I caught cold!

    • What does this say about my immunity ?

    Same thought crossed my mind, when I was in Munnar where I caught cold and fever and among the travellers I was the only one who was afflicted by cold. I knew that I was born with a weak immune system, that never bothered me, but I can't think straight when I am sick, I become more pessimistic, this bothers me more

    • It was triggering and it pried loose a lot of things

    • I lived through another wave