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  1. no matter how much we discard…whatever we try..things have a way of staying in our memories..latent and reticent..but existent.

    The mind is a funny place 🙂
    .-= sway´s last blog ..26 Lines…. =-.

  2. @ the album did not make it to the ‘discard’ pile

    glad that it could not make to that unwanted pile as it made for some excellent thought that you have ended this post with. in any relationship that ends, there isnt just one who suffers! nice thought for me to chew upon..

  3. and its very nice for people like me who looked very nice when young and would crack several mirrors now. (i myself have a face that would sink a thousand ships )

    Australopithecuss last blog post..

  4. I always ask for childhood pictures.. I love to imagine how he looked then.. how boyishly innocent his face was.. how trusting his eyes, and how naive his actions. And then I love to have it confirmed. But I can never keep the pics with me. I always see them when I can, but under his possession.

    Because somewhere it scares me.. getting too personal maybe? And somewhere I dont want him to let go of himself so much.. weird isn’t it.

    Pragnis last blog post..The spoils of a conquest

  5. I did wonder whether you broke up your relationships so that you’d have something to write about…but then I realized that your blog is the only one that updates twice in a day on my reader. So either that’s a lot of guys or a lot of ideas. 😉 Hope all’s well, it’s been a while since I caught up with you guys.

  6. You write quite fluidly. I too went through journey of your ex’s life. 🙂

    Poonams last blog post..Flickr Mosiac Tag