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  1. @ Dopedup: It seems like a stunt (see Sumit’s comment after yours). And an FO hardly suffices…more and more I wonder what we are doing about it. Hmm?

    @ Sumit: Valid point.

  2. The point about any publicity being good is the vital component. All news channels carried more or less the same footage. It was not a news agency feed (you can see glimpses of different cameramen). The people indulging in the mindless violence did not mind it a bit when the cameramen more or less stuck the camera in their face. All news channels had their people live on the scene.

    This was premeditated. The media was informed well in advance. This is MNS’ idea of a press conference.

  3. This just creates a rift between the people , there are dozens of starvations deaths and farmer sucides each week , going unreported in the news , ignored by the politicians. The sena rose up in popularity due to their agenda against the south indians and the mns is now up against the up / bihar people.

    a big F U C K – Y O U to all indian politicians

  4. @ dusty: I was thinking about that too. I actually thought of ending the post with “So much for the chalta hai attitude.” but I didn’t. I often think it isn’t pride that makes Mumbaikers say ‘The city goes on’…it’s sheer resignation.

  5. Hey long time since I have been here. Just a thought,but isn’t it time that the people of mumbai stopped taking so much pride in, “Mumbai will still go on” “Nothing fazes Mumbai” “A city that never cripples” etc sentiment, and actually make that a “weakness” of the city? Maybe then we will see reactions emanating from the public that could rid the city of such perils, than allow a tiny section of society from targetting “outsiders” so to speak. These very “outsiders” or “extensions” like you mention, along with the locals make Mumbai what it is. Perhaps the fact that Mumbai continues to go on, no matter what, encourages unsavoury elements to do what they do?
    I could be completely wrong, but this thought came to mind when i read your post.
    Have a nice day.