Death Carrying a Child

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  1. Tears you don’t see may yet be tasted by the one being ‘strong’. A weep in solitude may be the only option, for what would one do when they see their rock crumble – whoever that rock may be.
    Take care Smithy.

  2. The social barbwire in any community, I believe, urges a male to put on an armor of stoic endurance, whether he wants to or not. I’ve noticed, some can’t cry, even if they want to and I don’t understand why! Condolences about your relative.

  3. “For every woman… About a woman… Because I am a woman”…I read ur blog title and thought twice before commenting…but a quick check of the make up of other commentors allayed my fears..

    firstly, my sincere condolences regarding ur uncle’s death..

    Though I agree with u that there exists a kinda of predefined role for every gender and age, things r surely evolving into a more equalitarian society, not just in political sense…now the question is how soon can we ring in this new order ?

    (I haven’t given thought to this….but would this new order surely be better than the current one ?)