Love symbol, heart, valentine photo

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  1. First of all, thanks for enlightening me because I didn’t know the story behind valentine.

    Everything has to be celebrated with the right motives. In India, Diwali, a famous festival has also succumbed to crass commercialism

    You can be in love with yourself more if you are in the right occupation.

  2. Liked this immensely!

    “Well, when life is a love affair with yourself, what else can this day be but a celebration?”

    Great going gurl! 🙂

  3. truly spoken! no special days are needed to show the ones you love that you do. why should the celebration of love be reserved for a single day? love is probably one of the few things that follows ‘the more the merrier’ concept…

    and thanks for visiting my blog!

  4. well atleast u weren’t as violent as the saffron brigade in ur protest against this day…but i dont think we need a valentine’s day to celebrate love…when ur in love with life every day is a celebration…happy valentine’s days forever…

  5. when life is a love affair with yourself, what else can this day be but a celebration?

    Wow ! I lve this line…
