Real Women Don’t Cry
A love story and a heartbreak story may go on to become the origin story of a real woman. I saw one play out before my eyes when I was in college.
Navigating Family, Friendship, Marriage, Colleagues, Companions & other social connections
A love story and a heartbreak story may go on to become the origin story of a real woman. I saw one play out before my eyes when I was in college.
A well-wisher tells me, At least find that company with someone who’s honest with you. My reply, Honesty. All the honesty I get is “I’m not in love with you but I’d love to sleep with you.” Doesn’t this bug the hell out of you? I hate it. Then why…
Given the possibility of a romantic connection, can a relationship exist without it? Is a straight woman that different from a lesbian woman?
I am part of that mob called the Old Girls’ Club. And when it out-numbers the rest, it’s all about loyalty to the tribe.
A weekend party where I was a minority woman among men had me thinking about I navigate my gender based on attraction politics.
The one safety valve on a man who goes with too many women is the fact that there are that many vindictive/resentful/ unsure-about-feeling women to league with.
Yes, there’s more. ~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~ Do banished memories go to hell? I hope not, ‘cos I’ll only end up meeting them there again. Besides they deserve better, so much better than the darkness in my mind. ~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~ A friend who hurts you….is the one most likely to come back and apologize….is the…
I had an interesting set of gifts on my twenty-first birthday.
There is so much of literature available on love – how to find it, how to handle it, how to make it happen, how to make it last. But what about the sometimes inevitable – loss of love? Breakups are as much a reality as relationships
I’m quite offended by this new Sprite ad. A lot of ads seem to be offending me these days…no, it isn’t because ads have suddenly become offensive, it’s because I’m watching more TV. And being increasingly appalled by what popular culture is shoving down our gullets. But to come back…