Digital World

The internet and everything it has changed, wrecked, impacted, overthrown, empowered and otherwise touched in our lives. Online communities, self-publishing, blogging, social media, apps, gaming – how these transform who we are. Also my work in this field.

  7 Secrets Of Shiva: A Religious Textbook, Not A Myth-Analysis
Books | Digital World | Pop Culture | WorkSpace

7 Secrets Of Shiva: A Religious Textbook, Not A Myth-Analysis

This is a book review for BlogAdda. The blurb of ‘7 Secrets of Shiva‘ by Devdutt Pattanaik says, “Smeared with ashDraped in animal hideHe sits atop the snow-capped mountainSkull in handWithdrawn, with dogs for companyDestroying the world with his indifferenceHe is God who the Goddess shall awakenHis name is Shiva…