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  1. well what do we say congrats or welcome? 😉 kuch nahi kehte hai coz I will remember ideasmithy and ideasmith for a long long time.
    Liked the poem and made me remember a post by someone which had almost the same meaning as your poem. I smiled while reading because the poem and that post, both, are beautiful and somewhere I found a connection with me.
    .-= Sudeep´s last blog ..Life is an old lady’s tears =-.

    1. @Rehab: That’s the best and most apt description I’ve heard about it yet!

      @Harish: You’re lovely yourself, sweetie. You are a real inspiration to other people, to stand up and just be oneself!

      @Sudeep: 🙂 Thank you very much. Ideasmith and ideasmithy have become so ingrained with my own identity, they’re going nowhere in a hurry!

  2. Cheers to anonymity and its wonders…It feels like a clandestine love affair is out in the open!
    And what a love affair it has been! 🙂
    .-= Rehab´s last blog ..The Dignity of the ‘Gori’ Woman =-.