Year: 2007



When you stir to wakefulness today, just before you open your eyelids, what is the first thing you will think of? What thought will you shade your eyes with, for the day? Will you see the day starting slowly, without your assistance and not needing your reassurance either? Will you notice how the stage…



I want to lay me down in the wet, squishy mud and let the moisture seep into my bones, the cold engulf me, numbing every nerve, blocking every vein…till the blood stops running, the breath slows down…slower…slower…slower. I wish life wouldn’t snap on and off like it usually does but…


Telling All

For Shreyasi, who understands what I don’t say as well. And for the person this conversation happened with. ~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~o~ How are things? What things? You know…are you dating anybody? I haven’t heard you talk about any women. I haven’t liked any women. Turn left here, it’s around the corner. What…

  Tropical Sky

Tropical Sky

I know this is a slight bit late but what’s a week in a season of three months? My last impression of summer…doesn’t this look like one of those colourful photographs you see in Readers’ Digest about exotic Asian countries? Umm..of course we’re exotic and Asian as well. But I’m…