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  1. Lines that spoke to me

    • People are insensitive

    • Communities are cruel and exclusionary

    I had been thinking about this, even families are also like this sadly. That makes the world a cruel place altogether

    • New Me's, Me's that will survive

    • Like the main character in any story, I want to leave this world having evolved

    • And it has coincided with my midlife crisis
    Reminded me of Venn diagram

    • Painful backstories in people's meanness

    • It got very tiring carrying angry entitlement ( I deserve better! Life is unfair )
    I think I'm gonna Google the negative effects of acting entitled. I noticed same bickering in me , when things don't happen my way

    • Where do I go next, is a very scary place to be

    • It doesn't really matter if the lessons they' ve imbibed, have furthered them

    • It makes me happy when I get a tweet from someone saying they sued to read my blog when they were in college and it made a huge impression on them
    If I have to do my college again, I think I would evangelize blogging

    • My favourite self is always authentic
    I don't know if you remember this idea, this is the same thing you told me about me:- To be authentic

    Akin to a slap on the face when I’m sleepy