
  A Refugee From Amatonormativity
Body & Sex | Politics & Feminism | Relationships

A Refugee From Amatonormativity

I’ve heard of asexuality, aromanticism and polyamory. Then a friend sent me this video talking about AMATONORMATIVITY. Well-meaning friends have gently (or bluntly) told me that my experiences of abuse turned me against men/marriage. There may be some truth to that. The very thought of weddings – invitations, over-the-top engagement…

  Masters Of Sex: Wake Me Up When You Realise Sex Isn’t About The Man
Body & Sex | Books | Politics & Feminism | Pop Culture

Masters Of Sex: Wake Me Up When You Realise Sex Isn’t About The Man

I’m currently watching the TV series, Masters of Sex. It was the first show I began on Netflix when I first subscribed. I had to stop and move to other things that were easier. I’ve tried to come back several times and I think this time I’ll manage to finish…