Choices app Slow Burn book

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  1. I’m so glad to find another person who loves Slow Burn! I loved the concept and I loved the almost-episodic nature of it. I really also loved how the diamond scenes have the main character plan their own twist to a cultural classic, and that it’s a really good fusion in the way that the main character presents their own version but the main thing is to respect the techniques of the people who taught them how to make that dish.

    I recall, back when this book was just getting released, a friend of mine on Tumblr decided to create a food-focused Tumblr blog inspired by it. Unfortunately she tired of the book and didn’t continue (mostly because she wasn’t into episodic books that much) but it was fun to see what this particular book could inspire.

    1. @Lizzybeth: This story was perfect in every way. In this time of endless sequels and trilogies and binge content, it’s a rare treasure to find a story that ends itself like the perfect meal.

  2. I loved “Choose your own adventure” books when I was kid. 🙂

    Choices sounds like a really interesting evolution to that kind of book. They’ve started making new CYOA books, but they’re simply more stories in the same format as the 80’s editions. This is a clever way to look forward and use the technology we’ve created for new kinds of artistic expression.

    1. @Topher: Indeed. I was rather unimpressed by Netflix’s first CYOA story but I haven’t checked out the later ones. Choices definitely is taking an interesting leap forward.