People I’ve Unfriended On Facebook
It’s time to start being more conscious about which people I call friends, even on Facebook.
It’s time to start being more conscious about which people I call friends, even on Facebook.
Out On Singles Town Something interesting that happened to me in 2014 was meeting two different guys and deciding NOT to pursue relationships with them. I remember an Ally McBeal episode (does anybody even remember that show?) where she says, “I don’t actually date, not for the fun of it….
I’ve been thinking about girlfriends a lot recently. Men have comprised a major part of my life in these past ten years. They have been my primary references and the biggest influences on my identity and my relationship with the world. I’m not talking only about boyfriends. There still are…
A beloved uncle shared this TOI Blog by Vinita Dawra Nangia with me. (‘Whom Should I Marry?’). This was my response: Dear uncle, I liked where the article seemed to be going (this is how the decision/marriage model has worked so far, here’s why those references are not valid anymore)…
Friendship doesn’t need effort. It needs courage. The courage to reach out and say hello. The courage to not mind if they don’t say hello back. This is not the same as not caring. It’s caring, very much but not letting that stop you. It needs a little bit of…
I feared the mundanity of 35. I’m learning it’s not mundane when it happens naturally.
Celebrations. I’ve decided I’m going to have them as often and as self indulgently as I can. I’m thirty-five, not dead!
I met a friend-from-digitalia. She addressed a talk called ‘Geographies of the Heart’. It made me reflect on my own journey.
I love him. I love her. He loves her. She loves him. They both adore me. We’re three people who know each other from different times and places.
Magic showed up at 3AM. I was still up when my video chat icon began flashing. I answered to find him yelling….