Sambar Masala
My dear friends, my poor dear friends that suffer the agony of matrimonial match-making! Aside from the usual agonizing boy-meet-girl-over-tea/coffee ritual, there’s the incessant pressure pressure PRESSURE from the rest of the world.
The prospect’s education (pedigree), employment, family background, hobbies and friends are examined in great detail. And if 3 of these fit then voila!! We have a match!!!!
Attraction has no place in this discussion. Like the father of one of my friends once said,
Arre beta, yeh sab kuch nahin hota! When I was your age, I wanted to marry Hema Malini but see, I married your mother instead!
Ah well, and how does one argue with logic of that sort?
My most recent friend-victim sniffs,
Attraction??!! Try telling that to them. A good family and education is more than 90% of it and then even if there is even 5% attraction…WHAM! Close the deal!
Awww…in consolation I replied,
Like the perfect receipe for onion sambar? Ah, but sambar isn’t sambar without the sambar masala powder!
I think I’ll use that in one of my own arguments next time. Sounds a helluva lot better than…
I won’t marry someone I can’t imagine sleeping next to (and with) every night (and some days)!
…and it might actually work the next time mum tries to shove a mustachioed Mani Idli-Iyer at me.
@ Jason: Thank you for commenting…finally!
We should have a good ol’ chat sometime about the entire match-making process. I’ve some anecdotes of my own….completely howlarious!
LOL! That quote by your Dad is hilarious!
I completely agree with you. My grandparents have already started sending me pictures and bio-datas of “nice Catholic girls”. Thankfully, my parents are a little more contemporary in their thinking, so we’re having a good chuckle over it all.
Nice blog, btw. Came across it just last night. And your comics had me cracking up.
@ S:
Methinx that one shows great potential for La Deb.
@ FullMoononEarth: Yeah, it makes my mum think that I am taking an interest in cooking at last!
@ Rambler: It’s all history and chemistry.
@ S: “Bhadrolok walruses & foxes”??? HAHAHAHAHHA! I’ll swap you a Mani-Idli-Iyer for a Babu Moshai!
Oh yeah I forgot your great knowledge and interest about them. Trust me I haven’t found a respectable one, as yet, outside the menagerie although some adorable beta ones are around.
A Mani-Idli-Iyer who invites me for a sunday cricket match on the road over cold noodles in a shut down food court is more than alluring! You dont need attraction when you have all that oooomph and chomp chomp :-p
just the other day I spoke about marriages and attraction on two oh my blogs here you bring the pefect quotes for them
So what does smithy say about attraction?
Poor ‘Mani Idli-Iyer’……I am sure he and his creed deserve better than that. Some of his creed are as perfectly ‘hot and cooking’ as the sambar masala.
After all the bhadrolok walruses and foxes I have encountered I still hope one of them will deliver one day….that’s S’s undying unrealistic optimism for you
Completely agree with you on
“I won’t marry someone I can’t imagine sleeping next to (and with) every night (and some days)!”
But certainly
“Like the perfect receipe for onion sambar? Ah, but sambar isn’t sambar without the sambar masala powder!”
is a better way of conveying it to parents