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  1. Ahh! well orkut like so many other technological miracles definitely has its pros & cons. For me there are no negatives since I never get spam scraps. But with women, if as u say with a seductive snap :), theres bound to be a deluge of spams.
    And making friends online. well it all depends on how you go about it. If you dont choose well, then even in real life you get deceitful, evil people who call themselves friends.

  2. Coincidentally, I was contemplating writin’ a post on xyz-life crisis… ‘xyz’ for lack of any better word for the category. I had written Quarter Life Crisis a long time back, I think that still holds true, nei?

  3. @ Grey Shades: Hmph, you’re telling me?

    @ rambler: I don’t think there are any straight guidelines here. I was a ‘touch-me-not’ blogger for 2 years never replying to comments, emails or messages. A few months back, I came out relatively open, met a few bloggers. I made some friends, had some interesting (for lack of a better word) experiences and a few nasty ones. Then I decided to go back into semi-anonymity. But that was my choice. Whatever works for you.

    @ Chronicus Skepticus: Oh, marry me, please! I promise, no SMSese! 🙂

  4. Oh *totally* with you on the random-people-from-old-school bit. And the weirdest part is when they say things like, ‘So whre do u stay? What do u do?’ when the details are *very clearly* mentioned on your profile. Bah!

    AND I *loathe* sms-ese. LOATHE it.

  5. Just one q, not very much related to the post though..

    We all know how much orkut has gotten into people’s life right, do you think people in blog-o-sphere should get to know fellow blogger through orkut.
    Personally I kind of blog anonymous, so just wondering what others think about the same.