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  1. As real as each other, we clash,
    It’s not our words or any thought,
    It’s not a talk-war that we lash,
    It’s an unprovoked game we both sought.

    You breathe the fire that I light,
    Love-mark each other with embraced love,
    Horns locked tight as we mock-fight,
    Burning heaven sends us its Peace dove.

  2. Its amazing how they do that, isnt it? To read thru the masquerade that we think we have mastered..



  3. There are times when I have felt that I am a pawn running like a guinea pig in someones grand expt.

    Always thought that am the only one crazy enough to think along these lines.

    But it would be “really” disturbing to know that the puppet master is someone driving on the next lane.